It's a beautiful evening for some Rattler football! Get here! Cheer loud! #GoRattlers

Hey, hey, SPCSD! Mini Cheer Pep Rally News! #GoRattlers

MHS EAST is pitching a project idea for the current issue of the Lost & Found. Students lose items everyday, and right now there's no efficient way to get the word out. These students, in conjunction with Mr. Eckert, will be designing a MHS Lost & Found App so that lost goods can be found! We truly have the best at MHS! #GoRattlers

Interested in joining South Pike County Archery?
Sign-ups are open to grades 4-12. No experience is necessary. SPC Archery also has equipment available. There will be a meeting Monday @ 7:00PM in the Murfreesboro High School Activity room to receive paperwork and information.

Our Rattler Tennis Team competed in the district tennis tournament yesterday at SAU!
The Rattlers came home with several double match wins:
Mason P/Kaylee 1-1
Jordyn/ Addison 1-1
Garrett/Ethan 0-1
Mason S./Carter 1-1
We would like to send a special shout-out to Mason S. and Carter for placing 3rd and qualifying for the state tournament in October!
MHS would also like to thank Coach Mark Wiley for volunteering his coaching services and investing so much time into our students. It's always a great day to be a Rattler! #GoRattlers

Thank you, Mrs. Terri Hignight, for the delicious banana pudding! PTC was that much sweeter across the district thanks to the dessert! #GoRattlers

The Lady Rattler Basketball teams have a new leadership and commitment to the program concept called "The Black Stripe" where members try to display in several different ways what it takes to be a Lady Rattler on and off the court. Our first member of the black stripe club is 8th grader Kyndall Henderson. Congratulations on showing what it takes to be committed to the Lady Rattler program. #GoRattlers

The 7th grade & Jr High Rattlers travel to Poyen tonight. The 7th grade game starts at 6:00. The Jr High game starts at 7:00. We look forward to seeing you in Poyen cheering on our Rattlers!

Congratulations to our players of the game vs Gurdon! Farm Bureau- Noah Cox Defensive - Malachi Sanders Offensive - Brody Maroon Special Teams - Cash Lowery
Thank you Branch Oil, Feed Bin, Telingas & Farm Bureau for sponsoring our players of the game!

Mini cheer camp has been moved to the MHS activity room!
Parents, please pick your mini cheerleaders up at the activity center by five today!

Are you a SPCSD, Murfreesboro or Delight Graduate in need of an official transcript?
You can now request your transcript on our district website. Simply go to www.rattlers.org and click "Transcript Request Form" on the home screen. Once the form is completed, your request will be processed.

Introducing this week's Farm Bureau Player of the Week, #15 Noah Cox! Noah is our Senior LB/RB that had outstanding stats against Gurdon last Friday!
Thank you, Pike County Farm Bureau and agent Andrew Henderson, for recognizing our student athlete achievements! #GoRattlers #PikeCountyFarmBureau

The Delight busses are having to be rerouted due to an accident on highway 26. Therefore, students will be arriving home later than normal.

Last week MES had their Adopted Rattlers entered classrooms for the third time. They spoke about perseverance and hard times they have faced and we’re able to push through. They discussed the importance of never giving up and talked with students on times they might have had that were tough. Our adopted Rattlers will continue to describe what it means to be a REAL Rattler!

Good luck to our golf team as they compete at the district tournament in El Dorado today! #GoRattlers

Last week MES held their first ever R.E.A.L Rattler Rally. Students 3-6 were recognized for Student of The Month and students who were caught being R.E.A.L Rattlers during their time at school. Students receiving REAL Rattler certificates were awarded house points and were given the chance to double their points by participating in a minute to win it game. This program will be ran twice a month for our students to recognize their achievements while attending school and work on character building to ensure a lifetime of success.

You need some RATTLER TENNIS in your life!
Today, multiple sets were won against Fordyce at Fordyce.
Doubles: Mason S. /Carter; Addison/Jordan;Garret/Addison
Singles:Mason S./Mason P./Addison/Jordyn/Kaylee
Last home sets are tomorrow vs Bismarck!
Conference tournament is Thursday at SAU!
Be sure to catch their final matches and cheer them on! #GoRattlers

Last week MES held their first ever R.E.A.L Rattler Rally. During the rally students were led in a brain break of dancing, practicing the National Anthem, and the MHS Alma Mater. Afterwards they practiced respecting others by working on how to greet others by using appropriate social skills. Students were then recognized for Student of The Month and students who were caught being R.E.A.L Rattlers during their time at school. This program will be ran twice a month for our students to recognize their achievements while attending school and work on character building to ensure a lifetime of success.

See you all tomorrow! #GoRattlers