SENIORS - If you are interested in purchasing a senior page in the yearbook, the dead line is December 19th. Any questions see Mrs. Collins.

Cookie dough is here! Please pick up in the elementary school by 3:30.

9th-12th grade parents.. Please take time to visit our website and fill out our Flex Scheduling Survey.

Basketball shirt orders are due tomorrow (Nov 17) by noon! This will be the only order.

Additional Basketball added for 7th grade girls & Jr High girls... Dec 7th @ 5:00 Home against Nashville

Last minute basketball game addition-- Jr Girls & Jr Boys will play Tuesday, Nov 14 @ 5:30 in Fouke.

Congratulations Murfreesboro High School for being named an Apple Distinguished School!!

Basketball Shirt Order Forms 17-18...Due Nov 17th @ Noon

The Jr Class is raffling off a visa card worth $200 to help pay for prom. Drawing will be held the week after Thanksgiving. If you would like a chance to win, see a Junior to purchase your tickets.

MHS Fall Carnival tonight 5-7. Games, Concessions, and costume contest. Come out and enjoy the fun!!

Senior Recognition will be Thursday, November 2nd at 6:30 for Senior football, cheer, band, and managers. We need seniors and parents at the field by 6:15 to line up.

MHS fall carnival Monday Oct 30 from 5:00-7:00. We will have Plinko, Duck Pond, Ring Toss, Face Painting, Fishing Game, Football Toss, Pumpkin Sucker pull, Pumpkin golf, Jail, Ping pong toss, a Haunted Hallway and concessions (Drinks, Candy, popcorn, hot dogs, frito chili pie). Costume contest at 6pm.

The MHS Powder Puff football game scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 24th has been CANCELLED. The Sr Class is hoping to reschedule in the spring.

No 7th grade game tonight vs. Springhill. JR players need to arrive to field by 6:00. Game will start at 7:00 #GoRattlers

Reminder: Financial Aid night for seniors, October 24, 5:30-7:30. Doing FASFAs. Limited seating. Sign up with MHS counselor asap.

Football pictures will be tomorrow for all football players. Info in image below.

Pink out shirt orders are due Monday, Oct 16 by 8:30 to Mrs Bobo. Pink out pep rally is Friday, October 20.

JR Rattlers vs. Mineral Springs tonight at home. 7/8 players need to arrive at 5:15 and JR High players need to arrive by 6:00. #GoRattlers

MHS & MES experienced a “lock down” situation just before noon today. A patron spotted a person a few blocks from campus with a gun and reported it to the police. It turned out to be a BB gun and there was no threat. However, I was very impressed with the reaction of the staff and students. Please know that the safety of everyone on campus was taken very seriuosly. Thanks, Roger Featherston.

Murfreesboro school district is not on lock down any longer. We were taking precautionary measures for our students’ safety. All is safe and clear on campus.