SPCSD Superintendent Brad Sullivan is sharing the latest updates for our upcoming school year in the attached video:
Athletic Physicals will be provided on Thursday, July 30th, in the High School Activity Room. SR High will start at 9:30 am, JR High at 10:30 am, and incoming 7th graders at 11:15 am. Masks must be worn while in the building. Please complete the form in the link provided and bring it on Thursday. #GoRattlers
The Class of 2020 would like to thank Ms. Linda Woodard for making custom masks for graduation. #GoRattlers
Congratulations to the Class of 2020! #GoRattlers
The SPCSD will be streaming the High School graduation tomorrow live on Twitch to help with social distancing. Make sure to check us out at twitch.tv/murfreesbororattlers, we should be going live before the ceremony starts at 10:30 am tomorrow morning.
Nurse Brittany has scheduled August 7th from 2:00-6:00 to accept medication for students who take meds during the school day on the Murfreesboro campus. She will be set up in the elementary primary carline. Please remain in your vehicle. The nurse will count the meds and fill out paperwork at the vehicle.
Hey SPCSD, don’t forget about registration at MHS this week, Monday-Thursday from 9:00-2:30. Students can choose their schedules, receive lockers, and registration paperwork will be available for updates. Social distancing, hand sanitizing, and masks will be utilized. Feel free to stay home if you have already completed these tasks.
Looking forward to seeing our 20-21 Rattlers!
Governor Hutchinson has just announced that he is delaying the 20/21 school year until the week of Aug. 24. Our school district will develop a plan, and details will be provided as soon as possible.
MHS Registration Announcement
Thank you to those who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms! #4thofJuly #IndependenceDay
Substitute Bus Drivers Needed!! South Pike County Schools is in need for qualified substitute bus drivers. Applicants must process or be eligible for Commercial Driver Licenses (CDL) for school bus driving and must meet all state requirements for school bus driving. Please feel free to contact Superintendent Brad Sullivan for more information.
South Pike County School's Ready for Learning Announcement!
MHS Graduation Announcement 2020
Due to continuing COVID-19 restrictions for large groups, it is not feasible for the MHS Prom to be held on July 11. We love and miss our students and wanted to provide this opportunity, however their safety is our top priority.
MHS students may begin to request courses for the 2020 fall semester. 7th-8th will be emailed a list of courses. 9th-12th need to review the credit checklist in their grade level google classroom. #GoRattlers
2019-2020 MHS Sports Banquet
We hope you enjoy our presentation. If you'd like your child's digital award picture proof, please let Coach Nicole Martin know at nicole.martin@rattlers.org
Reminder: Tonight we will present our 2019-2020 Senior High Virtual Sports Banquet. We look forward to you seeing the hard work of our student-athletes and sports programs.
Join our team by becoming a substitute teacher!!
8th grade male athletes will start summer workouts tomorrow, June 8th. Start times will be 9:00 or 10:30. Athletes may choose the most convenient time for them. #GoRattlers
Our Athletic Department will be presenting a virtual sports banquet video on Friday, June 12th at 5:00 pm. It will be shared on our district facebook page and our school website. This video will present our team rosters, various pictures, and student athletes who received awards for sports during the 2019-2020 season. Please help spread the word. Thank you