We are doing something new this year at MES...our students are voting for our teachers of the month! The students are participating in lessons about the monthly theme, which include traits that Mr. James presented to the teachers about how to be heroes for our students. Following each month’s counseling sessions, the students consider the word of the month and which adult at school fits that definition. This month we had the word humble. The students voted, and our top two
humble teachers of the month were Mr. James and Nurse Jenny. When students voted they had to give rationale.
One vote for Mr. James read as follows: “Because he finds time to play with us outside or he will give us prizes and he could let us go on a field trip. He is also outside at the car line or bus stop to help us and I just think some principals don’t do that for their students. He is just one of the best principals I’ve had. Like that man said on tv humble. Mr. James is the BEST principal ever!” -5th Grade Student
Another read: “I think that Mr. James is a good person because he always puts us students first, not just that though. He is kind. He is always that to make sure we all have a good day. I think that he is kind and caring to everyone. He is the best principal ever.” 4th Grade Student
And the votes go on and on about how Mr. James takes care of everyone at MES before himself!
Nurse Jenny had several wonderful votes with pictures as well!
“Because she always stops even when she is in the middle of her lunch to take care of me!”
-3rd Grade Student
“She helped me when my tummy was hurting, and I also think she is the best nurse ever. She is really kind.” -4th Grade Student
“She helps everyone when we feel bad. She is my vote because she puts everyone in front of herself, She is never too busy for me.” -3rd Grade Student
As you can see both of our Humble Teachers of the Month were well chosen by our students! We are fortunate to have Mr. James and Nurse Jenny at MES!